My first blog post is asking the question, “why am I learning to code?”. More specifcally asking “Why did you decide to study Software Engineering?”. And its a great question because its a LARGE undertaking. I never thought it would be easy but I never realized how hard. My first week was kind of a breeze but reality has hit very hard. Once you punch and then the first punch comes back, how do you motivate yourself to drive through to keep going. And thats what this question is asking.
My reason for starting is simple; I want more. I have worked every job under the sun. Both from slary 9-5 jobs, odd jobs, serving jobs, and jobs whenever I can get them. Nothing has hit where I wanted. I keep working for a boss. Good ones and bad ones. Bosses who loved my hard work and bosses who didnt care. And they have been okay but I always want to reach the next level. I have a 4 year degree that counts for nothing half the time. Or I dont have enough experience. Its frustrating and I haven’t done much. Just enough to get by. With coding, I say enough is enough. I want to learn this skill. I want more.
Do I think coding will be the ultimate answer? I dont know. I don’t think it’ll fix my problems. But I do think its the future. Everything needs to be coded and the job market is there. But the better part is I like doing it. I enjoy the work. And if you like what you’re doing, you will keep going. So I am striving to be my best asnd learn everything I can!
But its hard!!! Oh my god it is hard. I thought if you peel back the curtain, you get more questions but that means find the answers. If I remeber the vocabulary, I’ll speak the language. But the wall is there. It takes more. You got to push. And thats where you find the answer to the question posed to you, “why learn to code?”. Why keep going? Its only been two week and I have been put on my ass a few times and still keep getting put on my ass. Why keep going? Cause I want more. I want to keep going cause I want to get to the top of this mountain and climb the next one. Its hard. Its humbling. But I want more!
In conclusion after alot of rambling. I want to learn to code because I want more. This is a hard skill to learn. It takes more than just coasting and knowing just enough. And I want to know as much as I can learn! I don’t need to know it all. But I want to learn as much as I can and keep going. Don’t know where it will lead but I already have ideas of things I want to create. Things I want to build. This is how I am going to do it. I want to be a builder. And you don’t quit cause its hard. You don’t quit cause you don’t know the answer. Yo ufigure it out and hit the next problem. And the next one. Run learn….and figure it out. Keep going. Thats why I want to learn Software Engineering. I want to build and keep going.